2019 International Trip AA+, Toronto, ON / Ottawa, ON
From May 8th to May 22nd, 2019
Price and what is included:
Fee is paid for one person - even the player or accompaniment (parent etc). Fee's amount is available on event's page on: https://european.hockey.academy/event/international-trip-aa-toronto-on-ottawa-on/. Payment details (bank information) are sent as a part of personal invitation to each attendee by email.
Fee includes:
Accommodation with full board from May 8th to May 22nd 2019. Accommodation is as much as possible provided in double rooms with 2x Queen size beds (for 4 persons / room). There can occur other types of room - however, the general principle is, that each room has to be fully occupied. Full board is provided for all attendees and accompaniment in cooperation with different establishments, all depending on event’s program.
Transport with group within our stay in Canada. Transport is provided by rented vehicles (vans). Vehicles are assigned respective adult attendees by previous agreement.
On-ice practices (Toronto/Ottawa)
Dryland practices (Toronto/Ottawa)
All tournament fees.
Commemorative jersey for player (calculated in the fee for each attendee - both player and accompaniment).
Fee DOES NOT include: (please be aware of these additional costs)
Fly tickets.
Entry costs for any eventually visited sights and attractions (Hockey Hall of Fame, CN Tower etc.). Sights and attractions we plan to visit are f.ex.: Niagara Falls (https://www.niagarafallstourism.com/), Hockey Hall of Fame (https://www.hhof.com/), CN Tower (https://www.cntower.ca/en-ca/home.html) .
*Information about cancellation options and fees in 'Force majeure' situations are available in paragraph 'Force majeure and Cancellation fee' below.
Traveling, documents and other practical info:
Passport and eTA authorisation:
Please remember your passport and passport of everyone attending the Trip.
Remember to apply for eTA authorisation to enter Canada, if necessary. More info about eTA on: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/eta.asp . Doublecheck the passport number on evt. issued eTA authorisation.
Child / minor travelling alone (without parent or legal guardian)
For valid rules regarding the child travelling alone, please check: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada/minor-children-travelling-canada.html
'Consent Letter for Children Travelling Abroad' template is available further below on this page.
It is highly recommended to check, if special authorisation is needed for your airlines beforehand as many of airlines require authorisations for children travelling alone and have their own specific forms for this purpose.
Check your fly tickets:
Remember to check your fly tickets, also in regards of luggage. You probably travel with ice hockey equipment – and it normally requires checked in luggage. You can save the costs if you pack your personal items into the hockey bag. It can be a good idea to tape the hockey stick together with hockey bag – then it is only one luggage you pay for. Remember comfortable clothing for the flight: It is OK to look good, but sometimes can very nice jeans (which actually no one see) be a little too tight when sitting about 10 hours on the same spot.
Driver license:
The official information from Canadian authorities is, that it is in many cases necessary to get International Driving Permit (IDP). That’s why we recommend you to contact proper local authorities and get issued this International document. More information on: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/new-life-canada/driving.html
Health insurance and medications:
Make sure you have the right health insurance for you and your child eventually. Contact in this regards your health insurance company and/or proper local authorities. Make sure, that the player is insured in case of injury. If there is prescribed medication, please ensure, that you have the necessary quantity and that this quantity is allowed to import to Canada. If not, please make sure, that you have the proper letter of prescription valid in Canada.
Travel insurance:
We recommend to arrange the travel insurance for this Trip. Contact your insurance company to find out the best possible one. Some of the credit card companies are offering the travel insurance for the card holder. Check the conditions and possibilities.
Credit/Debit card and possibly little cash:
Remember the credit or debit card to be able to pay for goods and services. We do not recommend higher amounts of cash – if necessary, keep small pocket amount on you only. And as we are going to Canada – please make it in Canadian Dollars, as Japanese Yen is not very common over there… 😊
Power plug and voltage adapter:
If you want to use or charge electronic devices in Canada – and no doubt that every kid will have his (at least one) electronic friend with – you are going to need the power plug. Normally are those available for affordable price at the airport, but you can get it also in advance. Another thing to remember is, that Canadians for some reason only deliver 120V in their power net – and this means that you are going to need voltage converter as well.
Weather and clothing
Check weather forecast in Toronto during the Trip. Please adjust your clothing to that.
Mobile phones and internet:
Check the prices of your mobile phone operator when used in Canada. Possibly adjust your plan to your Trip.
Time schedule:
Embedded calendar below probably displays events in your current time zone. To display calendar in different time zone, use one of the links here:
Central European time:
Eastern time - Toronto:
Remember to bring (player):
2 x sweat suit.
Fully functional and complete ice hockey equipment. (among the other: helmet with gitter, neck collar, elbow pads, shoulder pads, shin guards, cup, hockey pants, hockey gloves, socks and skates )
Ice hockey stick and tape.
2 towels.
Soap and shampoo.
Off-ice training equipment. (clean indoor running shoes and clothes)
Swimsuit – shorts
Force majeure and Cancellation fee:
By this event, EHA's cancellation policy applies with following adjustments:
Cancellation fee is calculated as the applicable cancellation fees charged by hotels and other subcontractors as well as other unavoidable costs, attached directly to participant at the time the 'force majeure' event preventing attendance occurs.
Paid fee, reduced by applicable cancellation fee, is refunded to participant (not to members internal account).
Find more information about EHA's cancellation policy on: https://european.hockey.academy/topics/our-program/prices-bonuses/